Ceiling Fans - Two ceiling fan designs I did for Design Studio 2 class. The Cylinder Concept is currently being prototyped.
Ceiling Fans - Two ceiling fan designs I did for Design Studio 2 class. The Cylinder Concept is currently being prototyped.
Ceiling Fans - Two ceiling fan designs I did for Design Studio 2 class. The Cylinder Concept is currently being prototyped.
Ceiling Fan Prototypes - Working prototype produced by Mink Aire.
Minka Aire Flush-Mount Prototype
Minka Aire Flush-Mount Prototype
Ceiling Fans - Two ceiling fan designs I did for Design Studio 2 class. The Cylinder Concept is currently being prototyped.
Ceiling Fans - Two ceiling fan designs I did for Design Studio 2 class. The Cylinder Concept is currently being prototyped.
Ceiling Fans - Two ceiling fan designs I did for Design Studio 2 class. The Cylinder Concept is currently being prototyped.
Ceiling Fans
Freelance, Full-time
Michael Gamstetter
Michael Gamstetter Santa Fe, NM