Partial East wall.
The south-facing wall of the gym has an 'eyebrow' solar array visible in this photo, as well as a much larger solar array on the roof.
Detail photo shows weather data station for solar array.
Rooftop Solar Array; one of the first of this size in Massachusetts
Full view of 45Kw rooftop solar array.
Inspecting the "Eyebrow" array.
Weather station
Interior of Gym; track and field setup.
Interior of Gym; High School Graduation
High School Gymnasium - Project Management and Design for Arch of Record: DRA, Inc.

Design Architect for the appearance and detailing (and for the solar system) on this new High School gymnasium. Located in a community with fairly traditional expectations, the objective of the design was to utilize the massing of the large building to effect a tri-part sense of scale with base, mid, and defined upper horizontal 'top'; and visual interest at typical viewing distance; with an understanding of the economics. Executed as an employee of DRA, Inc., the architects of record for the project. My role was as Project Manager for design and Construction.

Paul Brown
Architect Boston, MA