Members of the team along with Angela, Reece and siblings.
Taking initial human factors data for a comfortable handle position.
I pulled together a quick summary of the vital information for the designers to work from.
My initial concept sketch for a pivoting connection point. Allowing for adjustable height and storage.
My initial handle bar concepts.
Additional handle bar concepts.
A classmates concept that I progressed forward with a 3d model and rendering.
The classmates concept 3d modeled and adjusted to fit an existing wheelchair.
The initial test fit of the final handlebar design. Once painted and attached with the pivots, this project will be complete and the Urban's will be freed from stubbed toes!
Urban handlebar project

As a collaboration between Cincinnati State and May We Help, our human factors class took on the task of developing a handle bar system for a young boys wheelchair.

From's volunteer website:
"Angela's, son Reece just got a new wheelchair. Angela is used to having more room for her legs to walk behind the chair as she pushes it. When she tried to find a more fitting handle from the manufacturer, she found out that there is not one available.

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