The Steam Toaster brings all the benefits of an artisan bakehouse into the comfort of your own kitchen. Utilizing ceramic heating elements and an integrated steam injection system, the toaster allows you to recreate the crispy crust of an artisan loaf with minimum effort!
The internal structure created from foamcore ribs.
The prototype skinned in styrene.
a view of the rear door in the closed position.
A close up of the control face. Two led "steam" indicators were installed from behind the face. The timer needle was suspended in polyester resin.
The 3d prints fresh from the printer.
A close up of the textured temperature selection dial.
After a quick coat of paint.
The final prototype.
A close-up view of the ceramic heating element.
Crumb tray and water reservoir removed from body.
The Bob White Toaster Project - phase 3

The final phase of the Bob White Toaster Project. Final concept design was translated into a prototype. Constructed from styrene sheet and recycled components. The controls were 3d printed from elements of the 3d model developed during phase 2.