'Nanjing Race' - directed by: Brian Tom O'Connor Abingdon Theatre, 2010 'Nanjing Race' - directed by: Brian Tom O'Connor Abingdon Theatre, 2010 from Pamela Prior 'Nanjing Race' - directed by: Brian Tom O'Connor Abingdon Theatre, 2010 Philip (Marcus Ho) and Yu-Ahn (Ian Wehn) converse in Philip's hotel room. Photo Credit: Kim T. Sharp Bao (James Chen) pulls Yu-Ahn (Ian Wehn) off of Philip (Marcus Ho) in a physical altercation. Photo Credit: Kim T. Sharp Philip ( Marcus Ho) and Yu-Ahn (Ian Wehn) discover the vast cultural differences between them. Photo Credit: Kim T. Sharp gLike 'Nanjing Race' - directed by: Brian Tom O'Connor Abingdon Theatre, 2010 Fashion Design Share R 7 n Pamela Prior Costume Designer Norfolk, VA Follow Contact