"CUB" character toys,2011

"SANGATHAAN"a ranges of constructive kits for 6-9 years,2011 - "SANGATHAAN"a constructive kit for 6-9 years children,where they can makes their imaginative construction through synthetic material (Nylon bar and Plastic hollow ball)





STORY TIME (year-2010) - "STORY TIME"is a board game for age group of 8 to12 years.This is a unique game for developing imagination, creativity and visual communication through story telling.The objective is to collect maximum animals through story telling which can be played by three children.This game is based on storytelling nature and its has a particular time limit.
I have completed this project in the year of 2010.

Designed a construction block kit where children between 5-9 years can develop their imagination,creativity and visual perception through construction. The basic inspiration came from the great art movement “Constructivism” of early 19th centuries.
The materials used was recycled wood like shill pine with amazing surface textures.

"NID" a unique card game (year-2010) - Designed a card Game for memories of NID along with rule catalogue and packaging of the game.

"SAVE BOO 1,firing game" (year-2010) - Developed Digital Game (online based) inspired by Movie Monster Inc.I have worked on the flowchart and the game play.

"SAVE BOO 2,maze game" (year-2010) - Developed Digital Game (online) inspired by Movie Monster Inc.I have worked on the flowchart and the game play.

"FLOW CHART" (year-2010) - Flow chart for working prototypes of both game(firing game and maze game).

FINAL WORKING PROTOTYPES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN(year-2011) - These are final working prototypes for "System Design" working with "PRABHAT",a organization which are working with physical and mental handicapped.These range of string puppets are using for COMMUNITY BASED REHABILITATION(C.B.R) program of "PRABHAT".These kinds of puppets are very famous for awareness program about physical and mental disorder.Both two sets are for different community ..e.g.. Hindu and Mohammadian.The character which has one leg,is the hero of the puppet show.