Color swatch. Materials and Technology: Lacquered foamed PVC panel, Lacquered MDF. Designer: María Emilia Palet. Client: Baby Borders SRL (Buenos Aires, Argentina) In use at points of sale since 2005.
Color swatch. Materials and Technology: Lacquered foamed PVC panel, Lacquered MDF. Designer: María Emilia Palet. Client: Baby Borders SRL (Buenos Aires, Argentina) In use at points of sale since 2005.
Color Swatch in use at 'Mabyn' Fair
Color swatch. Materials and Technology: Lacquered foamed PVC panel, Lacquered MDF. Designer: María Emilia Palet. Client: Baby Borders SRL (Buenos Aires, Argentina) In use at points of sale since 2005.
Color Swatch • Tandem Textile swatch cards used by Tandem, a sweater manufacturer based in Mar del Plata city, for selling its products. Textile samples are labeled to allow for color selection through their respective codes. Materials and Technology: Die cut Paperboard, Cardboard and Handmade Paper. Designer: María Emilia Palet. Client: Tandem SRL (Mar del Plata, Argentina) In use at points of sale since 2004.
Color Swatch

The sample display features three lines of color palettes intended for different segments of the public: Classical, Vibrant and Native Colors. Pieces of material (the clouds) available at the factory were used for the display production. This novelty item stands out among the competition and performs both an ornamental and commercial function at the point of sale.

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Maria Emilia Palet
Director, OVAL design Berlin, Germany