Year 1 Spring Project 4: Synthesis

Project 4 is a synthesis of form-making through the use of solids, surfaces, and lines. The program was revealed to be a display space for the Endeavour space shuttle located at the California Science Center, with the site located in between the neighboring Rose Garden and USC. In addition to housing the space shuttle, the program required additional relics from aviation history to be displayed, including several spacecrafts and space shuttle components. I chose to organize the varying objects by chronology and maximum flying altitude, ascending floors as chronology and max altitude progressed, until the main chamber housing the shuttle is reached. The main room housing the shuttle has an observation deck where people can get very close to the shuttle, as well as a slowly descending circular ramp, where visitors are flanked by a photo gallery of the shuttle's endevors and the shuttle itself, eventually walking under the shuttle at the end.

Adam Choi
Student Los Angeles, CA