Selingkuh, No Way! (Affair, No Way!) - A book in Indonesia Language text, Salamadani Pustaka Semesta Publishing
Bedah Otak (Brain "Surgery") - An alternative cover of the Bedah Otak Book, but didn't accepted. Salamadani Pustaka Semesta, 2008.
Boys Vs Girls - A Tenn Literature in Indonesian Language Text. Salamadani Pustaka Semesta, 2008
Wajah Cerah Mudah dan Murah - Healthy Book Genre, Salamadani Pustaka Semesta Publishing, 2008
Misteri Boneka Ventriloquia (Indonesian Version of "By George" Book) - 2008, Salamadani Pustaka Semesta Publishing
Ledakkan Potensi Dirimu (Blow Your Self-Potential) - Self-Help Book, Salamadani Pustaka Semesta Publishing, 2008.
The Journey - A travel journal by Indonesian famous writer, Gola Gong. Salamadani Pustaka Semesta, 2008.
How to Persuade People Who Don't Want to be Persuaded - Alternative cover, but didn't accepted. Salamadani Pustaka Semesta, 2008.
Bono U2 Graphic Novel - Alternative comic cover, accepted with different color background. 2010, Elex Media Komputindo Publishing.
Knowing and Mixing Food Material - Simple Recipe for children who want to learn cooking. Salamadani Pustaka Semesta Publishing, 2008. Illustration by Rachmat Firdaus
Mix and Match with Fun - Unpublished
Mix and Match with Fun - Unpublished, alternative cover
Senarai Munajat Cinta (List of Prays with Full of Love) - Unknowed
Cover Book Project
Norma Aisyah
BA Bandung, Indonesia