My Daughter And Me - An artistic collaboration between me and my 1 year 10 months old daughter
My Daughter And Me - An artistic collaboration between me and my 1 year 10 months old daughter
While talking on the phone - It is funny that I always do that while on the phone or when waiting for renders to finish, but I never keep them.
While talking on the phone - It is funny that I always do that while on the phone or when waiting for renders to finish, but I never keep them.
A talk with a friend - A 1 hour talk with my colleague Martin on global warming scam and more...
While talking on the phone - It is funny that I always do that while on the phone or when waiting for renders to finish, but I never keep them.
One day of work.
One day of work.
Nikolay Kolev
Architect; Visual Artist Kehl, Germany