Büro Eingang - The office entrance of Grossmann Arkitekten
Courtesy - GROSSMANN Architecten
Leading designer - Jurgen Grossmann
Technoque - Photoshop
FUCHS Eingang - The entrance of a recently constructed office building. Proposal for a reconstruction.
Courtesy - GROSSMANN Architecten
Leading designer - Jurgen Grossmann
Technoque - Photoshop
Südheim Bürogebäude - An Office building in SÜdheim, Kehl, Germany.
Courtesy - GROSSMANN Architecten
Leading designers - Jurgen Grossmann, Svet Ivanov
Technoque - C4D & Photoshop
Oberle House - A concept quick Photoshop Simulation for the reconstruction of a house in Mallorca
Courtesy - GROSSMANN Architecten
Leading designer - Jurgen Grossmann
Technoque - markers
House concept
Design: Svetozar Ivanov
Graphics: Nikolay Kolev