Medikinetics Stonehenge/Keyhole Events July 08'

The Stonehenge event was presented by Medikenetics in conjunction with the American Diabetes Association's 68th scientific sessions. JMP designed the stage for this event, and did all the fabrication for the set as well. This included a 30 ft. backdrop of a blue and purple sky with a fire wave on the left that had a flexible light structure in it, and numbers and words on the right. We constructed a 9 ft. high 3 dimensional stonehenge that stood proudly in the middle as a gateway, and we also painted the upstage backdrop of the sky.
JMP did the stage design for the Keyhole event, that included a painted 12' x 15' backdrop of hanging keys, a vinyl application, two screens and drape. This was another stage that was in conjunction with the Stonehenge conference.
Designer/Producer: Scott Proctor
Artist: Nicole Ziedses des Plantes

Freelance, Full-time
Nicole Singson
Industrial Designer/Model Maker Santa Cruz, CA