City Beat Lunchon 08'
February 21, 2008
At this San Francisco luncheon, our clients at the Chamber of Commerce wanted an environment of construction, and a stage that would elaborate on the idea of building a more sustainable San Francisco. For the stage, JMP designed a San Francisco skyline that was wrapped in old blueprints of bay area developments. There were arrows and squares added to give a blown-up version of a new, more colorful floor plan (a sustainable one). Lights in the shape of construction workers were projected on either side of the stage, and cones and construction barriers were scattered around the Grand Ballroom of the Hilton hotel to direct people in the right direction and for aesthetic purposes. I didn't build the 14 foot light up bridge, it was in the JMP inventory, but I definitely took advantage of using it for this event. The gobo behind it of a silhouetted San Francisco works as a nice compliment with it as well. Designer: Nicole Ziedses des Plantes