This event was an annual convention held in the W hotel in downtown New Orleans. This was the place where physicians, dietitians, nutritional scientists, exercise physiologists, psychologists, nurses, school health professionals, and 30,000 other health scientists had the opportunity to learn current information and to discuss the technical advances for the treatment for type two diabetes. John Murray Productions designed and produced the stage set for these lectures and discussions that included multi-layered vinyl graphics applied on our square plexi-glass structures. Our producer also coordinated the lighting for the stage as well. Producer: Scott Proctor. Vinyl Application: Nicole Ziedses des Plantes
This event was an annual convention held in the W hotel in downtown New Orleans. This was the place where physicians, dietitians, nutritional scientists, exercise physiologists, psychologists, nurses, school health professionals, and 30,000 other health scientists had the opportunity to learn current information and to discuss the technical advances for the treatment for type two diabetes. John Murray Productions designed and produced the stage set for these lectures and discussions that included multi-layered vinyl graphics applied on our square plexi-glass structures. Our producer also coordinated the lighting for the stage as well. Producer: Scott Proctor. Vinyl Application: Nicole Ziedses des Plantes