Cover - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Contents - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 1- Introduction - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 2- Direction - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 3- Concept Generation - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 10- Brakeunit Assembly - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 15- Skewers - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 17- Fixings - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 19- Stickering - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page Twenty- Colourscheme - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 22- Assembly - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 23- Bill Of Materials - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Page 24- Conclusion - 3rd year Industrial Design project- Turbotrainer for casual to intermediate users
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Nicholas Robb
Student Glasgow, United Kingdom