Title Screen
Control Screen
Ammo and Gun with Pistol Zoom
Ammo Construction Script
Gun Zoom blueprint
Gun Pickup UI
Pickup Widget code
Controller Pickup Input
Rifle Zoom
HUD Blueprint
Zoom Scope HUD Function
Rifle Semi-Auto Shoot
Fire Modes
Fire Spread
Fire Spread Line Trace Blueprint
Rocket Launcher Fire
Rocket Explosion
Explosion Particle Effect (OHL vector for hit location) (OHN for hit normal)
Grenade Launcher Fire
Grenade Explosion
Grenade Bounce
Death Screen
Struct for gun Datatable
Datatable to change gun actor between guns
Enemy Rifle Pose
Shot By Enemy
Enemy Behavior Tree Blackboard
Enemy AI Behavior Tree
Enemy Dying Animation with Player damage Material
Enemy Dying Animation
Enemy Animation State Machine
Enemy Pistol Idle Animation
Enemy Pistol Idle/Walking Blendspace
Win Screen with Dance
Win Screen with Dance
Robo Attack

First Person Shooter in which the player must traverse a dungeon movie set filled with robots with guns. Players must collect ammo and acquire weapons to fight off robots in order to reach the goal.

Nicholas Woods
Game Designer Hurricane, WV