Title Page - Nestle approached Product Design students of Nottingham Trent University with an aim of redesigning the current packaging of their chocolate bars and the boxes they are transported in (currently sold in Brazil). I designed two innovative products that redesign the way the shop assistant interacts with the transportation packaging, and the way a consumer eats a bar of chocolate.
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Primary and secondary research into packaging and shop displays
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Early concepts and physical models
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Design development and model making (late stage)
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Sketches and vector work
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Storyboard of final designs illustrating how my designs work - Here is the storyboard for my final designs. Working in a supermarket myself, I could easily identify a problem that shop assistants face when displaying chocolate and sweets. The problem is that a whole box may sometimes not fit onto the shelf. I solved this problem by designing a box that can be made shorter, allowing it to be placed on the shelf with ease, keeping the shelves tidy and presentable.
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Point of Sale - Nestle approached Product Design students of Nottingham Trent University with an aim of redesigning the current packaging of their chocolate bars and the boxes they are transported in (currently sold in Brazil). I designed two innovative products that redesign the way the shop assistant interacts with the transportation packaging, and the way a consumer eats a bar of chocolate.
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Nestle Live Project Work Sample
Neil Morris
Nottingham, United Kingdom