Title Page - Aside from my university work, there are numerous pieces of work I have produced whilst at home in my own time. The first being a spaceship a tutor originally tasked us with drawing. I took it further completing the piece with CorelDRAW X4 and then SolidWorks. I also enjoy producing paintings, and to date I have produced around 10.
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Spaceship drawing - Aside from my university work, there are numerous pieces of work I have produced whilst at home in my own time. The first being a spaceship a tutor originally tasked us with drawing. I took it further completing the piece with CorelDRAW X4 and then SolidWorks. I also enjoy producing paintings, and to date I have produced around 10.
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Spaceship Vector - Aside from my university work, there are numerous pieces of work I have produced whilst at home in my own time. The first being a spaceship a tutor originally tasked us with drawing. I took it further completing the piece with CorelDRAW X4 and then SolidWorks. I also enjoy producing paintings, and to date I have produced around 10.
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Spaceship render - Aside from my university work, there are numerous pieces of work I have produced whilst at home in my own time. The first being a spaceship a tutor originally tasked us with drawing. I took it further completing the piece with CorelDRAW X4 and then SolidWorks. I also enjoy producing paintings, and to date I have produced around 10.
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Paintings - Aside from my university work, there are numerous pieces of work I have produced whilst at home in my own time. The first being a spaceship a tutor originally tasked us with drawing. I took it further completing the piece with CorelDRAW X4 and then SolidWorks. I also enjoy producing paintings, and to date I have produced around 10.
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Extra Curricular Work
Neil Morris
Nottingham, United Kingdom