Intel AppUp contest microsite - AppUp is an appstore for netbooks (and PCs), and is backed by Intel. This is the screenshot of microsite for the contest (
GE Sales website- Spec - one of the ideas for GE pitch- was to create a common repository of info for their sales force. Track their progress, provide info, guide them... The whole 9 yards.
Himalaya Healthcare Doctors portal - Spec - This idea was supposed to create a place of info sharing and interaction for Doctors.
Himala Healthcare Doctors portal 2- Spec - A paediatrician- specific portal idea for himalaya healthcare.
intel dealers website- spec
Jockey website features- spec - Suppose to be a mobile app idea- but converted to web (didn't materialize in that form either).
Worldvision website rework- spec
GE Healthcare Website rework- Spec
Website screenshots
Srikrishna Nayak
copywriter Bangalore, India