Design Ideas (POS)
Design Ideas (POP)
Inspiration from Tim Burton
Tour of the Brewery
The Pendle Witch Pub
Sketch work (photoshop rendered)
Sketch work (photoshop rendered) with dimentions
Real-Ale Tap (SolidWorks)
The Front Bar (SolidWorks)
The Front Bar (SolidWorks)
The Front Bar and floor (SolidWorks)
The Full Bar (SolidWorks)
Orthographic Projection
Orthographic Projection (in colour)
Assembly Demonstration
SolidWorks 'Fridge User'
SolidWorks 'Pint Puller'
Removable Panels
The Full Bar (SolidWorks)
User Interaction
Moorhouses Brewery

A portable bar designed for Moorhouses Brewery.

Nathan McDonald
Product Designer Manchester, United Kingdom