Scoofy Learns the Alphabet (Puzzle) - Inspired by my new puppy I designed an alphabet puzzle with him being the mediator, and him interacting with the illustrations in each piece, in both uppercase and lowercase. The packaging includes a gunny bag, a CD and also the other side adds up to an image of Scoofy.
Tact-Tie (Learning tool) - A tie that teaches first timers how- to tie a tie and can also be used every-day. The instructions are reversed so that when a person stands in front of the mirror, he can comprehend and follow as the tie guides him.
Pro City Angels (Stop Motion Animation), Open & Safe Places - A stop motion animation to make use of Torino's residual areas with an existing solution to safety. This was a team effort. (From the website) Designing Connected Places is an international summer design school that was held in Pollenzo, Italy. Using the tools of design, solutions will be outlined for Open & Safe Places. The summer school brings out a new definition of the "local" and a new role of design.
Moon Vehicle (Concept Interface Design), Microsoft - The Moon Vehicle project is an attempt to enrich the quality of science education in India. It is also a cultural response to the launch of lunar satellite Chandrayaan I. In order to open up a dialogue between scientists and students we designed a system which gave children metaphorical access to the heavily guarded ISRO headquarters by creating their very own mini-satellites. Microsoft Research, Seattle, held a design expo that year and the theme was Learning and Education.
Jameela (Photomontage) - A personal project for my mother's 50th birthday. Inspired by Iranian Designer- Majid Abbasi