Original Damaged Image - The assignment we were given was to repair and restore a "damaged" image. We were also told to try and experiment with color.
Restored Image - The assignment given was to restore a "damaged" image and tro try and make the colors more vibrant.
First Attempt in Photoshop. - We were given an image of a tree with no buds/leaves and were told to take a picture of our choice and create buds and petals for the image. I used tiger fur for the center and stone for the petals.
"Rustic" Profession Desk - Our assignment was to take images of objects that pertain to an older profession of our choice and place them upon a table and make them look like they belong there. It was a test of proportion mainly.
Image Placement - The assignment was to take at least two pictures and place one into the other and make them look authentic. I added the capybara and the llama to this barn photo.
Implied Motion Poster
Bookcover Adaptation of Lord of the Flies
VC130 Digital Type and Photo Manipulation