Shrink Rap Panels, Strie effect
Faux Bois for America's Next Top Model 2007
Runway Asphalt and Concrete Match for Bill Nye:Solving For X shoot, Whiteman Airport, 2009 for illustrating the concept of a number line. seen here at :16
Edward Jones Investments commercial. I painted their Dam thing, chances are, I could paint yours too: Link to Commercial
More paint for Top Model
This was more than 200 pieces of woodgrain for a pilot called GameShow In My Head, including 3 separate types of woodgrain(faux bois)floating set pieces and floors.
Peeping Tom Bathroom, 1000 Ways to Die. I was the lead scenic for season 3. I also sculpted and fabricated various props, and did paintings.
I painted, along with Stacy Watson, the entire Viking Hall for the Blood Eagle Segment for 100wtd. I also did the pilasters with the knotwork.
Robot battle basement, fake concrete basement, 1000wtd
Viking Pillars, Blood Eagle , 1000 wtd
Brazen Bull, painted fiberglass, for 1000 wtd
Red Heads of State, 1000 wtd one in 5 hrs between other duties for hair-eating segment
Sony SOCOM Navy Seals 2; 20' by 20' model for still shoot with pyro fx, ad campaign.
Booth for Atlantis Hotel for convention
scenic textures, a collage of my work
Backdrop, Diane Keaton for More magazine
Miniature hardwood floor -with sanding and lacquer.
Courtyard at client's home. accentuated the alcove subtly.
Faux aged(but clean) suburban garage, and faux sidewalk pavers. real dog! PNC/DeustcheBank commercial
The faux, roll-around prison cell i painted to match the real prison cell in Stockton, CA for Rob Schneider's Big Stan, 2006
Woodgrain match, wainscot and rail,to match bookcase. PNC DeutscheBank
10 x 18 backdrop for photo studio
The cell put back together for pick-up shots in Hollywood, Ca 2006
Scenic Art: Match It, Age It, Fix It, Make It!

Here are a few of the many many scenic projects I've worked on over the years.

Maxwell B. King
Scenic Artist/Illustrator/Sculptor Burbank, CA