Product illustration for personalized dental-themed supply bag. Illustrator and Photoshop.
Poster design for Mesa Art Festival poster contest. Illustrator. Logos provided by client.
Rocket Ship Illustrator 2012 I was in a retro mood when I started this internal project for the creative dept.
Robots. I equipped 2nd robot with bumpers in case he runs into anything on a another planet. Illustrator.
Rocket Ship Lady. She flies the rocket ship... That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Illustrator.
Poster 1 of 2 versions. Illustrator 2012 I was in a retro mood when I started this internal project for the creative dept.
Poster 2 of 2 versions. Illustrator 2012 I was in a retro mood when I started this internal project for the creative dept. I made the moon look like cheese.
Calendar Illustrator 2012 With robot in place.
Calendar Illustrator 2012 With lady in place.
Folding card - Postcard Design Illustrator, Photoshop 2012 Gears are in illustrator, wrench is photo. Developed for a Chiropractic themed recall card. Text not included as it was variable.
T-shirt Design. Project developed for print manufacturing which had won an award. Placed print elements (cmyk, gears and paper running through stylized 4 color press) and company logo.
Fanciful Caterpillar Illustrator 2001 Study in gradient mesh.
Microphone Illustrator 2001 Study in gradient mesh.
Cowboy Doodle Illustrator 2001
Manga Chick Doodle Illustrator 2001
Dominant Design Logo Illustrator 2001 Design came out of serendipity with an Illustrator filter and an annoyance with internal customers. I really like what I did with the "emoticon" at the end.
Technical Illustration - Contract Designer CH2M Hill
Technical Illustration - Contract Designer CH2M Hill

I love Adobe Illustrator. If I could work in illustrator all day long I'd be very happy. Several of these illustrations are doodles using different features of the program, particularly gradient mesh. I use reference materials and hand sketches to work from. I also have experience creating technical illustrations. As an aside, I draw with a mouse, I hate pen tools. Weird I know.

Full-time, Moonlighting
Michele Coletti
Graphic Designer Print | Motion Graphics | E-mails | Web... Phoenix, AZ