Starosira Contruens by Natalie McLeod
Staurosira Construens is a laser cut and etched repeating pattern derived from scanning electron micrographs of freshwater diatoms found in New Zealand. This work seeks to promote the value and complexity of repeat pattern design for screen-printed textiles by applying traditional knowledge to the use of new materials.
Did the logistics of delivering your installation for Wellington LUX present any unforeseen challenges or did everything just sail through to completion? "Considering I had not used laser cutting, or LEDs, or acrylic before it all went pretty smoothly! I had a great amount of help from Wendy and Craig in the Fab Lab Wtgn and the fantastic industrial designer Mike Jones designed, wired and assembled the rigging for the panels. This project would not be in existence without Mike’s expertise. "
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Starosira Contruens by Natalie McLeod
Staurosira Construens is a laser cut and etched repeating pattern derived from scanning electron micrographs of freshwater diatoms found in New Zealand. This work seeks to promote the value and complexity of repeat pattern design for screen-printed textiles by applying traditional knowledge to the use of new materials.
Did the logistics of delivering your installation for Wellington LUX present any unforeseen challenges or did everything just sail through to completion? "Considering I had not used laser cutting, or LEDs, or acrylic before it all went pretty smoothly! I had a great amount of help from Wendy and Craig in the Fab Lab Wtgn and the fantastic industrial designer Mike Jones designed, wired and assembled the rigging for the panels. This project would not be in existence without Mike’s expertise. "
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