Isometric view of the king piece.
Solidworks drawing of the king piece. The king moves via the pawns carrying it.
Solidworks drawing of the pawn piece. The pawn uses a track ball to move small distances.
Isometric view of the queen piece.
Solidworks drawing of the queen piece. The queen uses long spider like legs to travel large distances on the board.
Isometric view of the rook piece.
Solidworks drawing of the rook piece. The rooks feet shift up and down through a series of gears to move.
Solidworks animation of how the pieces move.
Robotic Chess Set

I helped design this chess set as part of my final project for my Intro to CAD class during the Fall 2020 semester. My team and I designed a chess set that utilizes various methods of transportation to mobilize each piece. The chess set is split into 7 different parts: pawns, rooks, knights, bishops, kings, queens, and the board itself. All of the chess pieces have a unique mechanism for how they move so that each piece can be broken down into several components. For instance, the knight will have a spring-loaded leaping mechanism that will allow it to hop around the board.

Michael Keehn
Mechanical Engineer Atlanta, GA