Raster Imaging Project

This project (2014) required that I take on an issue in society, using raster images and combining them into one cohesive image in Photoshop.
I chose to depict the rapid decay of Detroit. The first image depicts that in a nostalgically with what used to be within old television sets, and the current state surrounding it. In the second image I wanted to include hope, and I did that using the "Spirit of Detroit" holding a protester pleading for a better tomorrow. Outside of the window the viewer catches a glimpse of the skyline of Detroit's past, but the room is abandoned and falling apart. Written on both of the walls is a summary from Mark Binelli’s, "Detroit City is the place to be : the afterlife of an American metropolis" which underlies the concept of hope I wanted to portray by creating a second image. Although it's a lot easier to see the bad when it comes to Detroit, there are plenty of hard working individuals who are willing to make it better.