Leaf Still Life
Chair sketch
torso Pen sketch
Obituary Autumn Template - The is image is copyrighted by Kingdom Ministry Solutions, Inc. and was designed by me.
Rembrandt Package Redesign - We were supposed redesign Rembrandt toothpaste package design and make it better that what they currently had. Something more engaging and to draw in a younger audience. I chose a target market of 25-35 male and female that are young, hip, and always up on the lastest trends and fashion. I think I succeeded with my purpose.
Truimph Chruch New Year's Eve Bulletin - This was a draft bulletin I designed for Triumph church working for KMS however the final version was quite different.
Janet Jackson CD Cover Test - This set is filled with stuff that I do on my own time. You will find sketches, drawings, and digital work of all kinds in here. The time frame ranging from highschool to present.
Obituary Heaven Template - The is image is copyrighted by Kingdom Ministry Solutions, Inc. and was designed by me.
Truimph Chruch New Year's Eve Bulletin 2 - This was a draft bulletin I designed for Triumph church working for KMS however the final version was quite different.
Personal Business - This is my business card. I redesign because I need a card I can use while freelancing with having to have a DBA. Secondly, I wanted a more modern, edgey, professional, intense card that would let clients know when they saw it that they whatever they are going to have be designed will be creative, innovative, professional, and synergetic.
Creative Styles Business Card 1
Comerica ILIT CD Cover - These are all projects I have done for my daily job. This set of work will be continually updated as I am given more projects to work on
Even Flyer
Creative Styles Business Card 2
Resturant Menu - The project was to recreate a restuant take out menu and make it better.
Audi S4 2-Page Spread - This is a 2 page spread for a car magazine. Using the techincal drawing I did in illustrator of the Audi S4. Since Audi is a luxury line I came up with tag line "beyond class, beyond class". I"m really proud of this it turned out better than I expected.
My Business Card
Redesigned $20 Bill - This project was from my typography class. We had to redesign US Currency. I LOVED this project!!
Redesigned $50 Bill - This project was from my typography class. We had to redesign US Currency. I LOVED this project!!
Redesigned $100 Bill - This project was from my typography class. We had to redesign US Currency. I LOVED this project!!
Phoenix Logo - Some of the company's here are completely made up. Some are real companies that I did a real logo for and the rest are real companies whose names I used but I have not done work for them.
Skillet Sensations Logo - Some of the company's here are completely made up. Some are real companies that I did a real logo for and the rest are real companies whose names I used but I have not done work for them.
Portfolio Extended2 ^
Maximus Gaut
Skillful and Experienced Flint Township, MI