Free Fall
The airbags are triggered by free-fall acceleration for long enough to fall 6 feet.
Free Fall
Free Fall Tool Harness and Personal Airbag System

Roofing is the 4th deadliest job in the USA. Every day in the USA, a construction worker dies by falling on the jobsite. The predominant fall protection in use today is the fall arrest harness. But workers report that fall arrest harnesses seem unnecessary, hinder work, and require time-consuming training and setup. They can also kill you. After a fall, if its hanging wearer is not rescued rapidly, a fall arrest harness restricts blood flow to vital organs, causing death in as little as thirty minutes. As a result, 38% of workers surveyed never wear harnesses when working over 6’, the mandated height for fall protection, and another 25% wear them “rarely.”

Matthew Tucker
Industrial Design Student, Artist Bethesda, MD