Lowdi Design Competiton

This was an external design competition brief designing to a client’s requirements using their brand guidelines. The company was Lowdi who wanted a new electronic product combining digital with physical. It had to be a small, user friendly device centered on enhancing the users life.

The Lowdi Vista is a digital picture frame that connects to Lowdi’s existing product. This is a wireless, Bluetooth speaker. The Vista also connects to all of your smart devices.
When the user is playing a song via iTunes or a music steaming site, the Vista displays images accessed from the users smart devices, they have taken around the time the song that’s being played was released. This builds on the users memories and helps them to remember enjoyable times in their life more vividly. The device also has a world map feature that displays where your photos were taken using GPS data attached and gives you an option to choose photos from a specific location.

Matthew Court
Product Designer Vancouver, Canada