Letter opener for parts manufacturer - Part of a marketing campaign designed for ad agency client firm specializing in parts fabrication. Included mouse pad, letter opener, promotional brochure and full line catalog. Photos and logo supplied by client. Rendered in QuarkXPress for third-party vendor processing.
Musical CD liner and cover - Created original illustration by hand based on lyrics from songs on CD. Scanned drawing into composite with stock image of stars with Photoshop, then chose type styles for client copy and layout in QuarkXPress for liner and sleeve.
Labels for hotel restaurant sauce line - Created design for three flavors of proprietary steak sauce being sold by local hotel restaurant. Selected stock images to paste into type outlines after designing overall layout and selecting colors, then produced final production PDF in QuarkXPress for offset printing on gummed paper for padding and trimming.
Packaging & Specialty Items
Freelance, Full-time
Matthew Leger
Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Web Designer and Wordsmith Atlanta, GA