Walking Beam installation

Walking Beam completed display

Walking Beam display detail

Cannon detail

Project Site Plan

Theme Illustrtation

viewer scope - Numerous outdoor displays tell the story of Dick Dowling and the Davis Guard battle against Union forces in the only Civil War battle fought in Texas

Interpretive pavilion - Numerous outdoor displays tell the story of Dick Dowling and the Davis Guard battle against Union forces in the only Civil War battle fought in Texas


Interpretive panels

Interpretive panels

Timeline set in ground

Cast Aluminum plaque - Numerous outdoor displays tell the story of Dick Dowling and the Davis Guard battle against Union forces in the only Civil War battle fought in Texas

1/20 scale model area

1/20th scale fort model - Numerous outdoor displays tell the story of Dick Dowling and the Davis Guard battle against Union forces in the only Civil War battle fought in Texas

Site viewer - Numerous outdoor displays tell the story of Dick Dowling and the Davis Guard battle against Union forces in the only Civil War battle fought in Texas

Battle viewer detail

Lighthouse panel

Fort Griffin panel

Battle battle

Sign frame

Historical plaques