Eco-marathon, DNV Fuel Fighter 2

Year: Fifth
Genre: Car design, carbon fibre, aerodynamics
Course: Product design 9 – Specialisation

This project is under work at the moment, but I wanted to show for the work so far anyway.

The Shell Eco-Marathon is a car race where universities from all over the world participates. The goal of the competition is to drive farthest on energy equivalent of 1 litre of gasoline.

Our goal is a car weighing a total of 70 kg. Covering a distance of 2500 km. powered from a battery weighing only 2 kg. The body of the car will be monocoque frame in carbon fibre, and this is what I have spent the last half year developing.

The final design of the car is an ideal fusion between aerodynamics, light weight and contemporary car design.

During the process we have used various visualisation tools to test our thoughts and ideas both physically and digitally. This process has been discussed in a published paper Sketching, CAD and Physical models as visualisation tools.

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Mats Herding Solberg
Founder and Product Manager at Rom & Tonik Oslo, Norway