2007-05-27 White Board Polar Bear
White Board Zombie - White Board Man knows what you did, and he will not stand for it.
Random Whiteboard - Whoa, that's a small image. Never got a higher-res pic. Consists of about four faces, a creepy minimalist skeleton, and a surrealist chameleon thing on there.
White Board Plankton - Plankton is getting tired of his evil plans always coming to nought. Don’t fret, buddy! There’s always the next eleven minutes!
White Board Spongebob - Eulerbob Mathpants
White Board Ray Gun
Sparkling Dahli Water - My go-to excuse for crooked drawings.
2011-06-29 Paddington on Whiteboard - Drawn in blue dry erase marker. Source is a digital camera photo.
2011-07 Peanuts Whiteboard (+ Paddington)
2011-07-06 Paddington on Whiteboard - Drawn in blue dry erase marker. Source is a digital camera photo.
2012-01-18 [Whiteboard] Hand
2012-03-06 [Whiteboard] The Thinker - The Thinker contemplates punching himself in his poorly drawn head.
2013-04-28 [Whiteboard] The Devil — He just wants to be loved.
2021-07 sixteen cartoons from various sources.
Freelance, Moonlighting
Mathew Huffman
Person. OR