Octotunes - Award winner - 2001 American Baby Magazine - Best Toys of the Year Exceptional Parent Magazine - Best Toys of the Year Working Mother Magazine - Best Toys of the Year Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, Platinum Award NAPPA (National Parenting Publications Award) TMA Guide for the Visually Impaired NAPPA (National Parenting Publications Award) Gold Medal Winner
Peek a Boo Photo Album - First of it's kind album with graphics and feature play. FAO Swartz buyer declared "a Perfect Product!"
Littles Playtime Pals - award winner - 2001 Working Mother Magazine - Best Toys of the Year , Oppenheim Toy Portfolio - Gold Seal, Parenting Magazine - Toy of the Year
Transformative Take-Along character: Little Playtime Pals line extension item
Nesting Present - Award winner - 2001 Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, Platinum Award, Parents Choice Award
Take Alongs
Drop & Pop Gym. First of its kind using foam arch structure with 'taco-fold' pack & go design
Play & Grow Jacques the Peacock Play and Grow - Award winner - 2007 Parents Best Toys of the Year Award Winner
Set style guide look for updated characters in existing item
Toy Design - Lamaze Infant Development System

In house design management of developmental soft toys for babies birth - 2 yrs old

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Mary Lenehan
design . production . management Brookfield, IL