This is the header to the comics section this art was originally published in. I dont have a copy of the final color anymore. So now it's DIY ; )
Concept sketch for approval
Concept sketch 2
Final B&W art with print production color list
Instructions for activity
4th of July Color n Make Windsock

I used to do craft projects for publication in the Sunday comics section of the Chicago Tribune. It was called the Spots page - and had a Dalmatian mascot.

Dalmation because dumb puns are fun and 'whats black & white and read allover' was the joke ; D
Anyhow, you can scroll down thru my process to the ink art to color and make if you'd like. Or know someone who might
: )

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Mary Lenehan
design . production . management Brookfield, IL