Mechanical Engineering Design Project - This is a SolidWorks drawing of an automatic screwdriving system that I created with a team of 4 students. I worked on concept development, design, and manufacturing.
The Complete Travel Toothbrush - This is a SolidWorks model of a toothbrush that I designed for my product development class. The toothbrush was desinged to cater to the needs of travelers who do not want to carry 3 different items, but only need one. The toothbrush contains toothpaste inside of the handle, which can be placed on the bristles by turning the gray knob; the toothpase is refillable using standard toothpaste. Also, the Complete contains a floss dispenser at the bottom. A working prototype was built using FDM.
Example of 3D Model - Poo Chi - This is a 3D Model that I have drawn using Pro/Engineer 2001 in my Advanced Engineering Design Graphics class. The assembly and rendering has been done in 3D Studio. A animation will be completed in the near future.
Bending Actuator and Modeled Robot - On the left, a 3-degree of freedom bending actuator that I designed and manufactured at SRI International is pictured. On the right is a Model of a robot that that shows an application of this actuator. MER stands for Multifunctional Elastomer Roll.
Lightning Overtakes The Bay Area - This is a model of a P-38 Lightning Plane that I drew using AutoCAD 3D Studio VIZ. The plane is pictured over a photo of the Bay Bridge.
Diaphragm Actuator - Electroactive Polymer Actuator developed while at Artificial Muscle, Inc. to be a modular component that can be integrated into pumps, valves, optical positioners, power generators, and systems that require linear actuators. I developed the automated manufacturing process for these actuator components.