Pill Pen - This project took on the task of creating products to assist our ageing population. Through research I found that controlling and organising medicaton can be a dificult task. Especially for elderly people with numerous medical conditions, living alone. The Pill Pen shows the user what pills to take, what time to take them, and how many to take. It is a solution thats simple to use, easy to control and could posibly reduce the number of health scares, brought about through under-medication.
One Touch - This soution attempts to ease the effects of lonlinesss and isolation for our increasingly ageing population. After talking to the residents of a local elderly care home I found that many suffer from loneliness and wished to have greater levels of communication with loved ones. The One Touch photo frame takes on this challenge. It provides a user friendly solution, and a much needed outlet for elderly residents to keep in touch with the outside world.
Action For Age
Anthony Mapstone
Product Design Gradusate(BSC Hons) UWIC Cardiff, Wales