AQUILA RESTAURANT MENUS - The client wanted a range of menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The style had to reflect the Greek name and the opulent interiors and colour schemes. Each menu had a different format 'stone' colouring. There was no budget for the background images and I had to scan pictures from art history books. I then created the images in Photoshop.
GREEN GLASS STATIONERY - Green Glass manufactures glasses which are made from bottles. The bottle is basically inverted, a base added and is cut through the middle. The result – a drinking glass! The two colour logo shows the bottle and the resulting glass and also depicts the recycling nature of the product by the incorporation of the leaf. The stationery reflects the innovation of the product – the front was kept clean and white and the back was saturated with fibrant green. The business card was diecut to a shape which contrasts curved and straight edges.
GREEN GLASS BROCHURE - The client wanted a product brochure that was unique and memorable, just like his product. We created beautiful photo compositions combining photography and manipulation in Photoshop. We used a square format and the cover was protected by an Opaline front page which related to the glass product. The brochure was designed in such a way that new products could easily be added and discontinued ranges removed.
VILLA BIANCA - Villa Bianca is a property development. I had to create a logo, signage and a brochure for prospective buyers. The front cover has a diecut window showing the artist's impression on the next page. Following pages show floor plans, artist's impressions and finishes. Information was limited and the resulting design is clean, contemporary and sophisticated.
UYF ANNUAL REPORT - The Umsobomvu Youth Fund (UYF) is a South African government initiative to help the youth. Client wanted an annual report that would combine the corporate and finacial sections. The cover and inside graphics had to reflect the hope for the future of our youth.
Mandy Geerdts