Interactive Map - This is an interactive map designed for navigation in the casual game "Resorting to Danger".

Puzzle Design - This is a puzzle design created for the casual game "Resorting to Danger".

Cursors - Cursors and cursor highlight states for the casual game "Tiger Eye - Curse of the Riddle Box".

Menu and HUD - UI design for the casual game "Tiger Eye - Curse of the Riddle Box".

Puzzle Frame - UI and puzzle design for the casual game "Tiger Eye - Curse of the Riddle Box".

Game Images - These are images created for the casual game "Lights, Camera, Curses".

Locker Puzzle Design - This is a puzzle design created for the casual game "Lights, Camera, Curses".

Game Image - This is an image created for the casual game "Lights, Camera, Curses".

Chemistry Puzzle - This is a puzzle design created for the casual game "Resorting to Danger".

Game Image - This is an image created for the casual game "Lights, Camera, Curses".

In-Game Journal - UI design for the casual game "Tiger Eye - Curse of the Riddle Box".

Sorting Puzzle - This is a puzzle design created for the casual game "Tiger Eye - Curse of the Riddle Box".

Pipe Puzzle - This is a puzzle design created for the casual game "Tiger Eye - Curse of the Riddle Box".

Flute Puzzle - This is a puzzle design created for the casual game "Tiger Eye - Curse of the Riddle Box".

Cabinet Puzzle - This is a puzzle design created for the casual game "Tiger Eye - Curse of the Riddle Box".

Engine Room - The original black & white line-drawing for this background was created by another artist and then passed to me for the color, lighting, and texture.

Box Design - Package design for a published game by Wizards of the Coast. The character illustrations and "Dungeons & Dragons" logo were not done by me, but the "Inn-Fighting" logo, card design, and all other design was.

Star Wars Chapter Page 1 - The basic design elements of this had already been established in previous books - my contributions were the photo selection and photo-collage.

Star Wars Chapter Page 2 - The basic design elements of this had already been established in previous books - my contributions were the photo selection and photo-collage.

Star Wars Character Sheet - I was asked to take the design embellishments from the chapter pages and extrapolate them into a two-page character sheet.