The EDi system in use - EDi, Emergency Department Information, has been designed to provide patients in the Emergency Department with information regarding waiting times. The two elements of the system, the wristband and information point, form a network and allow the user to access relevant information. The system has been ergonomically designed to promote ease of use.
Exploded view of main body - The main unit has been designed for easy assembly- the internal components are securely held in place by the shell. Embedded into the plastic shell are Silver ion carriers that release Silver ions upon contact with bacteria. This kills the bacteria, promoting hygiene within the Emergency Department. The steel handles have a coating of Titanium Dioxide, which has anti-bacterial and also anti-corrosion properties.
Exploded view of the hinge mechanism - The hinge mechanism enables 3 height positions to be achieved by using a ball and spring loaded into a slot. This can be seen on the rendering and increases usability of the design. The user manually alters the height position to suit themselves. The lowest setting enables wheelchair users to use the system. The hinge has been designed with ease of assembly in mind; the components slot together and are held in place by the steel rod that goes through the centre.
Exploded view of the internal electronics - The internal electronics enables the system to function and act as an information network. The CPU and transmitter/reciever are secured onto the shelf and the hole in the centre of the shelf allow the cables to link the components. The LED modules on the sides of the unit automatically illuminate to alert patients of department emergencies. This provision of knowledge has been proven to increase receptiveness to a longer wait.
Patient wristband - When the patient registers at the reception desk they are provided with a wristband that has a barcode on the side. This barcode corresponds to the patient's entry in the database and allows the user to log into the information point. The silicone arms of the wristband promote comfort and also provide a level of grip. The electronic units are sealed and are removed after each use to be sterilised, ready for use by the next patient.
EDi: Emergency Department Information
Matthew Smith
Coventry, United Kingdom