Reebok Women's Performance Apparel - Led the creation of Classics and Sport Apparel for Reebok's marquee collections.
Reebok Women's Performance Apparel - Led the creation of Classics and Sport Apparel for men's and Women's marquee collections.
Reebok Women's Performance Apparel - Led the creation of Classics and Sport Apparel for men's and Women's marquee collections.
Reebok Women's Performance Apparel - Led the creation of Classics and Sport Apparel for men's and Women's marquee collections.
Reebok Women's Performance Apparel - Led the creation of Classics and Performance Product for Men's and Women's marquee collections.
Reebok Women's Performance Apparel - Head of Apparel Design for Global Sport and Lifestyle
Reebok Women's Performance Apparel - Led the creation of Classics and Sport Apparel for Reebok's marquee collections.
Reebok Jukari
RE-INVENTING REEBOK, Women's Sport Apparel

Global Head of Apparel, Accessories and Graphic Design for Reebok/ Adidas Group

Freelance, Full-time
Michele Slobin Apprille
BRAND AND PRODUCT DESIGN: Nike, Adidas, L.L. Bean, Gryphon Design... Boston, MA