Reebok On the Move - Project lead for New Reebok Women's strategy
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Reebok On the Move - As lead for Reebok Women's, I led a global team of apparel, footwear, graphic and accessory designers to create a new strategy for the brand. As I researched the physical differences between a man and a woman, I realized there were 28 genes that separated us. This physiological difference effected everything from a woman's cardio output to her thermoregulation. These learnings, coupled with extensive consumer research, led us to develop a uniquely fashionable and relevant platform for Reebok.
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Reebok On the Move - Project lead for New Reebok Women's strategy
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Reebok On the Move - Project lead for New Reebok Women's strategy
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Reebok On the Move - Project lead for New Reebok Women's strategy
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Adidas Group- Signature Collection - Project engineer for new sourcing and development plan for Sport Basic apparel.
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Adidas Group- Signature Collection - Project engineer for new sourcing and development plan for Sport Basic apparel.
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Adidas Group- Signature Collection - Project engineer for new sourcing and development plan for Sport Basic apparel.
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ADIDAS- Design Strategy

Concept Engineer for new directional women's brand.
Developing new ways to innovate, enhancing sustainability and productivity. Led a team of 50 apparel, graphic and outerwear designers in 4 countries.

Freelance, Full-time
Michele Slobin Apprille
BRAND AND PRODUCT DESIGN: Nike, Adidas, L.L. Bean, Gryphon Design... Boston, MA