RoadKill - Don't Worry Mom. . . It Looks Gross. . . Tastes Great. . . And Is Good For You! RoadKill is a Vitamin Packed, No Calorie, No Carb, No Sugar added line of fruit flavored waters. RoadKill is aimed at kids that like the gross and icky and adults that have never grown up. I designed the RoadKill labels to startle that fine line between over the top gore and cartoon violence.
RoadKill Bottle Design - I designed the RoadKill bottle utilizing a tire as inspiration to tie into the theme of the product.
Blue Raccoon Bits - I'm going to need a minute to pull myself together.
Pink Skunk Chunks - This is going to give me such a headache!
Green Gopher Gunts - I didn't see that coming when I read my horoscope this morning!
Orange Chicken Chunks - Why do I keep trying to cross that road?
Purple Possum Parts - This time I'm not playing, that hurt . . . real bad!
Yellow Goose Juice - That's going to leave a mark.
15 & 30 oz Pumped Fitness - Pumped Fitness is an all-natural, lightly sweetened fruit flavored line of fitness waters. It is packaged in unique, proprietary 15 and 30 oz bottles shaped like dumbbells.
Pumped Fitness 15oz Bottle Design
Pumped Fitness 30oz Bottle Design
Pumped Fitness Flavor Lineup - Pumped Fitness is currently available in six fruit flavors.
Hat Trick Auto Wrap Scion XB
Big Air Berry & Massive Mango
Wacko Pop