The Superman - "Imagine the World under the crushing heel of a Demon. One with impenetrable skin, and vision that sears anything in it's path. A world where this demon is constantly watching. A world under the boot of The Superman!" I wanted to create a slightly darker take on an Aged Superman since I've always been fascinated by Superman's possibility to break mentally. [This project is in NO way affiliated with DC Comics. This artwork is the property of Luis Perez. Reproduction in any way is prohibited.]
Energie - This is the first of a new digital style I'll be developing for now.
Bounty Huntress - I wanted to create a female character within the parameters of the Star Wars universe. After doing research into the sentient species of the "Star Wars" Universe, I decided on a "near-human" Bounty Hunter. My goal was to make her easily blend into the Star Wars "look". Her coloring is still a work in progress so I've only uploaded her main Flats with her original pencils by her side. She's fully original in design and I hope you enjoy.
Venom - A sketch of Marvel's beloved kinda-bad-guy Venom. I wanted to draw a large, almost disproportional Venom and give him the open maw and slithering tongue he's known for. Pencils on Sketch Paper
Mi Sangre - This was originally intended to be a Tattoo Concept brainstormed by a friend and I. Unfortunately it ended up being too detailed for the tattoo artist I had on board and so I decided to spruce it up with a bit of color and value.
Billy - Billy's going to be a character in an upcoming comic strip series I'm going to be creating. I'm working on getting better @ sequential design so look forward to Billy's R-Rated shenanigans in the near future. Photoshop CS4 and Painter X
Knight Time - For this piece I wanted to work with an established character and add my own twist on it. I chose Batman for reasons forgotten to me by now but, I came up with a full original costume design yet decided against a traditional frontal view for artistic purposes. Tradigital Approach with PS (Marker on Board with Digital Coloring)
Machina de Vitae Eternale - A coloration of a sketch I'd made earlier when I was thinking about the title "Do Robots Dream of Electric Sheep." Photoshop CS4 and Painter X
The Sentry "Reboot" - With being interested in comicbooks for such a long time, I can tell very easily when a character is being underutilized. In comes Marvel's "The Sentry". I believe that he has so much potential yet isn't being used well. Some of that may have to do with is overly "pretty" colors. I decided to change it up using the approach illustrated by Marvel's Ultimate Universe. Hence, I give you Ultimate Sentry. Photoshop CS3
MaGi - The second piece in my latest series of Comic Book based concepts. MaGi is a magick caster and one of the good guys :] (Wacom & Photoshop CS4)
MaGi (Black & White) - The second piece in my latest series of Comic Book based concepts. MaGi is a magick caster and one of the good guys :] (Wacom & Photoshop CS4)
Warp (B&W) - I wanted to create a character using both concept design and comicbooking techniques. Warp was born shortly thereafter. Photoshop CS4
Warp - I wanted to create a character using both concept design and comicbooking techniques. Warp was born shortly thereafter. Photoshop CS4
Janice Richardson - Comic Book Character - Janice is a Succubus that's long lost her ability to steal Men's life energies. Needless to say, without her cloaking spells she wouldn't look so pretty. She'll prove quite difficult to kill because of her age (900 Yrs old) and her constant scheming.
Desirae Beauvais - Every story worth telling will have a girl. The girl that every guy wants. Meet Desirae. She stole our protagonist's heart right from the go, and has NO intention of giving it back.
Joshua Rodriguez - Being a professional slacker affords Josh about zero usable abilities. That being said, when he unexpectedly receives his powers, there'll be a hell of a learning curve ;-)
Sucker Punched! - Didn't have too much to do since the comic's done and I'm still waiting to hear from others. I had to keep myself busy and a friend had a pretty fun suggestion ^_^
Eddard Stark Commission - Recently a company contacted me to create a one-shot of Eddard Stark as a proposal for a project. I hope you enjoy! As always, done in Photoshop entirely with Wacom Graphire.
My Favorite Ninjas - Ninjas come in many forms. I honestly believe that. You can always tell who they are because they're the most BAD-ASS character on screen/page/level, etc. I don't know if this is done yet, but alas, here there are! Find the story mashing points!
Illustration & Concept Design
Luis Perez
Illustrator Sinking Spring, PA