The Rake and Take is a simple cardboard construction that makes leaf raking easier. It can be made out of any two used 40' x 60' sheets of cardboard, so there is no need to waste trees on yard bags or money on other leaf raking accessories. Simply rake leaves in, compact them and compost them (or leave them for city pick-up).
Rake up a big pile of leafs. Guide the leaves into the triangular opening. The rake fits snugly into the sides of the box, allowing for efficient compacting. The slot allows the rake to push leaves to the back of the container.
When finished with raking a certain area and the container is 'full', insert the push panel and give the leaves an extra smash, allowing room for more leaves! No need to grab another yard bag.
The push panel acts as a lid and keeps the leaves from flying away temporarily while the Rake and Take is carried to the next leaf-raking spot.
The Rake and Take is a simple cardboard construction that makes leaf raking easier. It can be made out of any two used 40' x 60' sheets of cardboard, so there is no need to waste trees on yard bags or money on other leaf raking accessories. Simply rake leaves in, compact them and compost them (or leave them for city pick-up).
The Rake and Take can be made from any two sheets of used cardboard at least 40" x 60". Feel free to visit my website, download a PDF with dimensions and assembly instructions, and make your own.

Rake and Take