Logo Design | Mujer Libre (Freed Woman), Rompiendo el silencio (breaking the silence) | Client: Community University Health Care Clinic (CUHCC) in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Health, (MDH). Initiative focused on women 18 years of age and above. CUHCC is the only culturally specific community resource serving Latina women who are victims of sexual assault in the state, and one of a handful of programs serving Latina women who are victims of domestic violence.
In the Aztec language, symbols can be thought of as ideograms in which the objects express their own natures. For instance, the idea of speech is shown by a little scroll issuing from the mouth of the person who is talking. I explored this idea, by designing the profile of a woman breaking her silence so as to regain sovereignty over her own life.
Collateral material | Informational flyers and postcards, banners and diplomas. The initiative consisted of a six week peer mentoring program for a select group of women to be trained as community educators.
Client | Minneapolis Foundation | Dreamers fund launch campaign | Theme graphic.
Casa de Esperanza | Organizational Brand Identity | ELEMENTS: Letterhead, Envelope, Folded Business Cards, Notepads, Notecards, Postcards, Newsletters | Designer: Liz Pangerl, CVllc.
Casa de Esperanza | Organizational Brand Identity | OBJECTIVE: Casa de Esperanza's mission for the new millennium redefined existing direct services and added advocacy towards social and system changes, public policy initiatives, and collaborative partnerships, specific to Latinas and Latino communities.
Casa de Esperanza | Quarterly Newsletter, "Abriendo Puertas"
Centro | Siembra Childcare and Early Childhood Education | Sponsorship Campaign | OBJECTIVE: To develop, design and write a brochure to encourage sponsorship for more at-risk children to participate in the program. SOLUTION: Strategically directed a mini-campaign at individual donors, corporate employees and funders. PR, outreach and community events supported the initiative. RESULTS: Accredited by the NAEYC in 2003 | $20,000 Rosie O'Donnell Foundation Grant | The Minneapolis Empowerment Zone awarded Centro a $100,000 grant to include the hiring of an additional teacher for Siembra and to enroll more students.
Centro | Program Postcards
Centro | Organizational Identity | A Social Service Agency serving the Latino Community | Liz Pangerl, CVllc., wrote and received an $18,800 SAPPI Ideas That Matter grant to cover the printing costs for the complete rebranding of the organization | ELEMENTS: Stationery, Postcards, Notepads, Thank You Cards, Mailing Envelopes, Labels.
Centro | Promotional Banner | Virgen de Guadalupe Celebration | Casa Valencia, llc. CREATIVE TEAM: Liz Pangerl, CVllc. | Photographer: Xavier Tavera
Centro | Promotional Poster | Di­a de Los Muertos Ofrenda Exhibit | ELEMENTS: Poster, Postcards | Designer: Liz Pangerl, CVllc. | Photography: Xavier Tavera
La Escuelita | The Premier Latino Youth Organization in Minneapolis 15 year anniversary celebration | ELEMENTS: Invitations, Flyers | Designer: Liz Pangerl, CVllc | KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Christine Chavez, (granddaughter of union activist Cesar Chavez). Christine serves as the Political Director for the United Farm Workers. In 2006, she was awarded the Distinguished President's Award by the Millennium Momentum Foundation.
La Escuelita | Día de los Niños promotional material (spanning seven years). I collaborated in tandem with the students to develop each theme, and with the students worked out the visual ideas for postcards, posters, and tee-shirts.
The Tibetan American Foundation of MN and The Tibetan Association of MN | "Compassion and Peace in the new Century" Tour by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet | Designer: Liz Pangerl, Casa Valencia, llc. | EVENT: A Visit by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to Minneapolis and St. Paul required three years of planning and preparation. I served on the welcoming committee for over a year and worked closely with the Tibetan community relative to the visual vocabulary employed for this identity | ELEMENTS: Stationery, Posters, Event tickets, Collateral
Print Magazine Article: Peace Tour
Liz Pangerl
Casa Valencia, LLC Minneapolis, MN