Discover Process workbook | CLIENT | theNorthGate | OBJECTIVE | Custom cover and interior concept design, layout, and typesetting for revised update. Original concepts for 4-color interior; final 96-page book printed as 1-color interior with color divider pages.
ViP brochure | CLIENT | theNorthGate | OBJECTIVE | Custom design for bi-fold brochure with audio disc for church visitors; designed to use a Spot-UV gloss treatment on the cover for word texture.
Investor Packet | CLIENT | Ecopia | OBJECTIVE | Create cohesive branding for 24-page investor packet using client content and images.
booklet and brochure | CLIENT | ministry organization | OBJECTIVE | Develop cohesive design, imagery, and layout for 8-page booklet and parallel-fold brochure.
Lisa Von De...
designing books, brands, packaging, & digital graphics Dayton, OH