
Sunday, day of rest... Chill, cool beer and discuss world of bike design. I sat and listened as purists and techno power freaks talked it out, many hours and more beers/ wine for the ladies I noticed the general consensus was emerge. It was felt that the enlarged scooter image may play an important part in future motorcycle design. Combined cosmetic touches of superbike/ hyper sports tourer bikes were wished for, foot pegs replaced by boards, adjustable height/ width handle bars, an interesting influence of V-Max and a desire for something new to state a leap forward had happened, so accompanying the slight drag style an expressed fancy for a final rim drive/ hub less wheel system. Taking notes and beer all gone my only question was “What manufacturer would or could be the best suited?”... Yamaha with Suzuki second, Honda third, and Kawasaki forth, I noticed that innervations are still Japanese awaited thing.

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom