The choice of 3... and with Christmas fast approaching time was not on our side, Although the designs didn't take me too long to think of, the graphics had to be supplied and applied.
and the winner is........... no: 1. All were pleased and although was not my personal first choice turned out to be the best and right choice. It makes a change from designing motorcycles and although time was tight it was fun for a change...

Well it was easy, "Leicester Tigers" on a Surfboard, So I quickly put together 3 ideas for consideration. Flat colours are easier to apply so no. 3 was out. no.2 with a time not on our side meant the masking up would have taken up too many minuets. So no. 1 became no. 1 choice and with slight change I made to the TIGERS logo to incorporate the line running through it...

Freelance, Full-time
Lee Thompson
Independent Graphic Design Professional Town Centre, United Kingdom